I’m brand new to yoga and a little unsure how to start.

Mysore is one of the best ways to learn yoga, as you’ll receive 1-on-1 instruction within a community setting. Feel free to show up to the mysore room anytime within the class window. Wear comfortable clothes. We have mats for you to use at the studio, or you may bring your own. Your first session will be 30-45 minutes long. If you want to chat more or schedule a time to come in, reach out to us.

Why is the mysore class so long?

Think of it as office hours for yoga practice. You’re free to come and practice anytime within the class window. Some people will practice for 30 minutes, others might take 2 hours. Typically, as you’re learning ashtanga, your practice will be shorter. As you progress with memory, endurance, and stamina, we’ll add more postures to your practice.

What if I don’t know the sequence?

That’s part of learning and why we’re here as teachers! Memorizing the sequence comes with repeating it. We’ll teach you one by one, allowing your capacity to build gradually.

What do I need to bring to class?

Bring a mat and a towel if you have one. We have Manduka mats for use at the studio that are included in your membership. There are cubbies for your personal belongings (phone, keys, water). We don’t drink water during our practice as it dampens the heat (agni) and can be a distraction. Wear comfortable clothes. Please refrain from wearing strong scents, and shower before class if necessary.

Is there parking?

There’s free street parking along Delaware Ave. There’s also parking along the side street (Becker Terrace) right around the corner from us. We encourage biking and walking to the studio. We are right near 4 Corners in Delmar and less than a 5 minute walk from the Albany Rail Trail.

Is this hot yoga?

We practice at room temperature (generally 70-74) and use breath and movement to generate heat. Done with proper method, ashtanga vinyasa is said to “boil the blood.” You’ll sweat out any impurities!

All of the membership options have the same benefits. Why would I pay more than $108?

Personally, I’d choose the $108 price too. As someone who’s paid $180 and beyond for mysore memberships, $108 is a steal. A no-brainer, even if I wasn’t necessarily an Ashtangi.

Ashtanga yoga is a lifestyle. It’s a “householder’s practice”, and it works better when there are more bodies in the room and they are enthusiastic to be there. At the beginning and end of the day, to us, this is about building a community around and for the practice, and selfishly, we want more people to practice with.

If you value what our membership is offering at a higher price than $108, awesome, so do I!

Choose a higher price, if you can afford it, and think the extra money could theoretically:

-support the studio

-support the community/fellow students

-incentivize you to be serious about your practice

I know when I pay a higher price point, I’m much more invested in my practice.

Pay what you feel is right, we just want to share Ashtanga yoga.

I believe the knowledge and experience of Ashtanga yoga is priceless, and your birthright as a human being.

Our value systems our different. Our stories our different. Some need a little help, and some are there to be the helpers.

We’re trying out a sliding scale because Ashtanga Yoga is for everybody.

Ram Das says, “We’re all walking each other home.” Our sliding scale membership is a way that we can try to practice that.